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After Toyotarity 2014 Conference...

The Organizing Committee of the 6th International Scientific Conference SemIIP "Toyotaryzm in European culture" sends warm thanks to all the Participants of the conference, for the active participation in sessions, for discussions and exchange of experience. We hope that the knowledge and experience gained by the Member at the conference will be valuable and useful, and Your participation in the conference will be the beginning or continuation of cooperation with us. In addition to the expression of words of thanks, we present the photo gallery of the conference, in the menu: Photo Gallery -> Toyotarity 2014, and at the same time we would like to invite You to participate in our next conferences. Next will be in June, at the time it will be 9th International Conference "Production Quality Improvement". Detailed information about this conference You can find in the menu: Conferences -> 2015 -> QPI.