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Students Amateur Film Fesitval on Ergonomics, Accidents and Security


The first international student safety film festival is a continuation of the event under the title "Safe Work Today and Tomorrow", that took a place on 18.10.2018. The event was organized by Department of Production Engineering and Safety in the cooperation with other entities of Facuty of Management, Częstochowa University of Technology::  

  • Erasmus+Manager Students' Scientific Association,
  • Quality Promoter  Students' Scientific Association,
  • Safe Circle Students' Scientific Association.  

in cooperation The Quality and Production Managers Association and the Central Institute of Labour Protection - National Research Institute in Warsaw. The event is aimed at the participation of representatives of international universities, Polish universities, cultural institutions and organizations, industry representatives and students. 

The purpose of scientific student associations is to promote the event, implement and coordinate tasks, perform tasks commissioned by the Organizer. 

I. Date and place: 

The first edition of the International Student Safety Film Festival will take place on 17 October 2019 in the POLITECHNIK Club at the Częstochowa University of Technology in Poland. 

II. Mission of the Festival: 

The purpose of the Festival is: 

  1. Education and promotion in the field of work-related safety issues in automated manufacturing companies.

  2. Promotion of the educational activities of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. 

Target group: 

The target group is both a group of students and a group of companies (management staff and employees of companies) of the festival partner universities as well as residents of the cities. 

III. Organizers of the Festival: 

The Organiser shall appoint an Organisational Committee to supervise the substantive, organisational and technical work related to the realisation of the Festival: 

1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, 

Department of Production Engineering and Safety 

Dr inż. Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska – Chairwoman of the Organisational Committee 

Dr inż. Justyna Żywiołek – Vice-Chairwoman of the Organisational Committee 

Dr Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka – The Media and Communications Coordinator 

Dr inż. Krzysztof Knop – Administrator of the Website  

Dr inż. Adam Idzikowski – Secretary of the Organizing Committee 

Department of Technical Systems and Safety 

Dr Bogna Konodyba-Rorat – coordinator of students’ groups activity 

2. The Central Institute for Labour Protection - National Research Institute in Warsaw 

Mgr Wioletta Klimaszewska 

3. Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Life Sciences in Czestochowa, Faculty of Mathematics and Life Sciences 

Dr inż. Urszula Nowacka – Coordinator of the activities of student scientific associations 

Dr inż. Marcin Sosnowski – Administrator of the Website  

4. University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia  

Assoc. Prof. Renata Nováková 

5. Obuda University, Hungary  

Melinda Majlath, Phd 

6. Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic  

Denisa Hrusecka 

7. Tansilvania University of Brasov, Romania  

Assoc. Prof. Luminita Parv 

8. The University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, Serbia  

Prof. dr Ivan Mihajlovic 

Honorary patronage of the Festival is taken by JM Rector of Czestochowa University of Technology and Mayor of Czestochowa. 

The Festival's partners from the Czestochowa University of Technology are: 

  1. Erasmus+Manager Students' Scientific Association.
  2. Quality Promoter  Students' Scientific Association.
  3. Safe Circle Students' Scientific Association.   

Short Films Competition is open to short films (up to 10 minutes). 

The subject matter of the films submitted to the competition includes issues with safety in the wide-range sense.  

The topics preferred by the Organizer may concern the following issues: 

  1. Occupational safety and functioning of the unit in the contemporary technology development.
  2. Social change and quality of life and security.
  3. Accidents in enterprises - what should be done to reduce them? 

Films will not be allowed to participate in the Festival: 

  1. Films presented in an open distribution circuit before 1 April 2019.
  2. Films created with the participation of the Festival Jury members of the Qualifying Committee or representatives of the Organiser.
  3. Films presented at other competitions or festivals. 

Films may be submitted to the Festival by students who, on the day of participation in the Festival competition, have full legal capacity and the right to dispose of the submitted film. 

The Festival is also open to persons forming one team, submitting an application, as one Applicant - a collective team (a team of maximum 3 persons). The Entrants may submit one Competition film. Entry of the film is free of charge and the cost of sending the entry is covered by the Entrant. 

The formal condition for submitting a film to the Festival is:  

  1. Providing the Organiser with the Film Submission Form not later than 10 September 2019.
  2. Delivery of the film on a CD or DVD in at least two: mp4 and avi formats. 

Submitting a film to the Festival takes place in the following way:  

  1. The film application form should be downloaded from the website:
  2. After completing the Film Submission Form, the completed form should be sent by e-mail to the address:
  3. The Applicant's obligation is to print and sign the film application form and deliver it to the Organizer in paper form until September 10, 2019 (valid postmark date) to the following address:  

dr inż. Adam Idzikowski  

Politechnika Częstochowska Dom Studencki DS4  

ul. Armii Krajowej 36B, pokój 66  

42-200 Częstochowa, Polska  

WITH NOTE: Students Amateur Film Fesitval on Ergonomics, Accidents and Security dr inż. Adam Idzikowski 

Important dates of the Festival: 

09.04.2019 – opening of the competition 

09.09.2019 – the last closing date for the submission of competition works 

17.10.2019 – Gala of the Festival

Nazwa pliku Typ pliku Rozmiar pliku Download
B_Statute of the Film Students Festival.pdf pdf 834,18 KB Download
CONSENT TO USE IMAGE.pdf pdf 99,95 KB Download
Application form Students Amateur Film Fesitval on Ergonomics.pdf pdf 193,19 KB Download
Application form Students Amateur Film Fesitval on Ergonomics.doc doc 30,50 KB Download