PROTECTION - Production Enginnering Archives

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Protection policy

We deal with ghostwriting when someone contributes significantly in writing yet his input is neither revealed as one of the authors nor notified in proper acknowledgments.
The guest authorship (honorary authorship) occurs when a person’s contribution to work is minuscule or none at all yet she/he appears as an author or a co-author.
Taking into account standards determined for scientific publications by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in order to avoid such incidents the publisher introduced the following procedures:
The Author/Authors of the publication are obliged to reveal the percentage share of all the individuals in the making of this publication (including their affiliation as well as contribution i.e. information on the authorship of concepts, assumptions, methods etc. used while preparing the publication). The principal responsibility for that lies on the Author who submits the material for publication.
The Author/Authors of the publication are obliged to inform the publisher about the source of financing this publication and the involvement of other institutions, societies or economic entities in financial support as well as in providing access to data, documents and information.
The publisher reserve the right to collect and store all the information about the revealed cases of ghostwriting and ghost authorship and to report these cases to proper units (the Author’s employers, scientific societies or other publishers).

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