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The ethics statements for the Of. Wyd. SMJiP are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. For all parties involved in the act of publishing (the journal editor(s), the author, the peer reviewer and the publisher) should become familiar with the standards of ethical behavior used in the Of. Wyd. SMJiP.

Protection policy

We deal with ghostwriting when someone contributes significantly in writing yet his input is neither revealed as one of the authors nor notified in proper acknowledgments.

The guest authorship (honorary authorship) occurs when a person’s contribution to work is minuscule or none at all yet she/he appears as an author or a co-author.

Taking into account standards determined for scientific publications by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in order to avoid such incidents the publisher introduced the following procedures:

The Author/Authors of the publication are obliged to reveal the percentage share of all the individuals in the making of this publication (including their affiliation as well as contribution i.e. information on the authorship of concepts, assumptions, methods etc. used while preparing the publication). The principal responsibility for that lies on the Author who submits the material for publication.

The Author/Authors of the publication are obliged to inform the publisher about the source of financing this publication and the involvement of other institutions, societies or economic entities in financial support as well as in providing access to data, documents and information.

The publisher reserve the right to collect and store all the information about the revealed cases of ghostwriting and ghost authorship and to report these cases to proper units (the Author’s employers, scientific societies or other publishers).

Publication ethic

The following statement spells out ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing (publisher, the reviewers and the authors).

Duties for publisher

1. Based on the review report, the publisher has the right to accept or reject the manuscript, or can send the same for the modification.

2. The publisher must ensure that each manuscript is an original work. After passing this test, manuscript is then forwarded to two reviewers for blind peer-review. Each of them will make a recommendation to accept/reject or modify the reviewed manuscript.

3. The publisher must ensure that each manuscript is reviewed for its intellectual content.

4. The publisher musts ensure that information regarding the manuscript is kept confidential.

Duties for Authors


1. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere.


2. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript is not being considered for publication elsewhere.


3. Authors must guarantee that the manuscript has been submitted with the full knowledge and approval of Institution given as the affiliation of the authors.


4. Authors must guarantee that they have written entirely original work.


5. Authors should, also, provide all data related with their manuscript.


6. If the work involves chemicals, procedures or equipment that have any unusual hazards inherent in their use, authors must clearly identify these in the manuscript.

Duties for Reviewers

1. Reviewers should be kept confidential all information regarding to reviewed manuscript.

2. Reviewers must ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources of date used in the research. Any kind of similarity between the manuscript and other published paper, must be immediately brought in to notice to the publisher.

3. Reviewers should express their views clearly with the supporting arguments.

4. In case if the reviewers feel that it is not possible to complete the review process on time, must inform the publisher immediately, so the manuscript could be send to any other reviewer.

5. Reviewers should tell the publisher if there is any conflict of interest in reviewing of the paper.

Principle of fair play

Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, or political beliefs of the authors of works submitted for publication will not affect their assessment by Editorial Board and Scientific Committee.


Editorial Board and Scientific Committee keep confidential all information about the works provided by their authors. Information on manuscripts will not be discussed or disclosed to unauthorized persons - nobody will learn about them except the Editorial Board and reviewers selected to review these works.